Dear readers,
this is a personal blog. Everything stated/written here represent my own. My blog might not be as interesting as yours. You might not understand some of the post due to its blurry content and the writer herself:) I write things that i feel the need to share with others. Do show some respect.Thank you;)
yeah.arinih pegi tgk aunty rosita shooting utk majalah kanak2.
yeah.her own gaklaa.
then met uncle azman.dia photographer.
he ajar me alot bout camera n taking piccas.yeah.thank u soo much!!
and then jumpe peter.dia pun ajar gak bout taking piccas.
yeah.n hahha.i pegang camera dia.cun gler.
rse nk bwak balik jer.
yeah.nih dorg.yg pkai baju itam tuh uncle azman.n peter ofcourse yg tgh pgg camera.and aunt rosita tuh is d one beside gler.nnt pun ader lg.xtau bler.
lepas nih nk ajak ili plak cuz dia pun minat ili sabar erk..heee.
soo dis is wt i shoot.ok gaklaa.heee..
oh2.more photos kt dlm flickr.
gtg.update later.daaa.
roger n out.
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