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this is a personal blog. Everything stated/written here represent my own. My blog might not be as interesting as yours. You might not understand some of the post due to its blurry content and the writer herself:) I write things that i feel the need to share with others. Do show some respect.Thank you;)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul

This year's Sambutan Maulidur Rasul was fun and tiring. It was my very first experience berarak from USJ 9 to USJ 18. While berarak, we have to berselawat(something like reciting doa,but in a singing way)to our Prophet Nabi Muhammad.

Less than 30 students from our school came which means only half daripada yang bagi nama berjaya bangun pagi. Patut rasa malu jek. Skola USJ 13 more than 100 students came. Daripada tido,baiklah berselawat,sekurang kurangnya buat tambah pahala. Namun begitu,USJ 12 will look forward to join perarakan Maulidur Rasul next year.Hopefully, ramai laa yang datang. Lagi ramai lagi meriah.

Oh btw,
we won! 2nd place. Alhamdulillah.

More pictures with our banner and the rest will be uploaded as soon as i get the pictures from Azmeen and Amalina because we,sis and i left our camera at home. Haha.

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