Dear readers,
this is a personal blog. Everything stated/written here represent my own. My blog might not be as interesting as yours. You might not understand some of the post due to its blurry content and the writer herself:) I write things that i feel the need to share with others. Do show some respect.Thank you;)

Monday, March 9, 2009

my mum and i spent almost the whole day in KL. We went to search for tudung for the fashion show night. After 4 hours of searching,we managed to buy only one tudung. But,we bought something else too. I even managed to curi tulang pegi kedai kasut and try on few pairs of wedges. Survey survey laa,mane tau dpt A1 or A2 for my Science subjects. Hehe. Amin.

we went to the ballroom situated in Bukit Bintang. The ballroom was not soo spacious as compared to the Dewan Felda Perdana. But heck, xkisahlaa. After surveying the place,we went to KLCC for the meeting thingy. It was boring sebab semua orang tengah meeting rite,and i just tengok. Haha. Then, sempat lagi mengambil kesempatan surveying kasut and perfumes sorang sorang. Bestt...

Balik around Maghrib. Sorry no pictures. Camera pictures very very very low quality. Oh, which means, i need to get a new phone. Hehe. But,i love my current phone.

And tomorrow ada Perarakan Maulidur Rasul. My 2nd time kot.

I have debate,kawad kaki,folio and oral test going on this one whole month of March.
Why must all the wakil wakil happen on the same month?

I am refraining myself from going out until my results satisfy me.

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